Friday 3 May 2013

Product life cycle (PLC) 

Product life cycle shows the progress of the Product i.e. in which circumstances product is to hike on which it falls. It’s not only the concept of Product we can merge this with our personal life also because everyone has life but the word we use in our Life Cycle is hurdles or happiness.

PLC broadly classified into 4 stages:-
  1. Intro.
  2. Growth.
  3. Maturity.
  4. Decline.
Let’s make more enlighten, I am going to take one example to explore PLC i.e. NOKIA by which you could understand Nokia and their PLC. As we know NOKIA is well known brand in every market. But what was the Nokia PLC and where are they now.
Nokia knock comes into the picture with most respected brands and costly too. At the time when they started their journey in the market the price of their product was so costly. It was a dream comes true if you had a Nokia handset because there was no competition in the market for Nokia. They captured the entire market with their dominance monopoly right that was the growth phase of NOKIA.


After a few years later Nokia was well established brand for their reliable product but there were lots of competitors came into the market like Sony, Reliance, Samsung. So at that spot of time, Nokia was made the advantage of their Goodwill and hit their turnover healthy. Even though they didn’t compromise with their price. At that time other companies were taking the smart move and they reduced the price their own product. Due to this Nokia market share goes decline day by day but they were earning profits.

Nokia was needed stealth move. Nokia caught the step of their competitor and introduced their N-series handset and we can call that was the smart move of Nokia. Fortunately N-series makes the insane world but unfortunately it didn’t make work for a long stand. The Nokia market was rigid. Their innovation was feeling somehow.  

After that disaster chapter opened in Nokia history. Their competitors were running so far away from Nokia. Share market price declined day by day and lots of criticism also faced by Nokia. Nokia made lots of moves but all were gone against them. Then they came up with new ideas. The Idea was WINDOW 7 PHONES and this stake was working for Nokia along with they were launching their product for the general public with pocket friendly perception. Before 2000, Nokia created their image as a Royal kingdom in a monopoly market. Then they got the taste of the audience and they made the series of Window Phones. After that they badly accused by public that Nokia has only one weapon called Window 7.

In market there were lots of rumors was spread that Nokia will be bankrupt soon and the rumors caught right, Nokia sold their Finnland HQ but as we say “Where there's a will, there's a way”. Nokia again came up with a different strategy and launched Nokia Pure View and Nokia Window 8 phones. It makes revolution in the market of Nokia and makes Nokia stand back into the market. Now Nokia is on their recovering stage. How long they will stand in the market it would depend upon their next move.

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Monday 29 April 2013

Legacy of Tata Motors

Before elaborating something about TATA, we need to understand the emperor of TATA. TATA is the conglomerate which deals with divisional structure of an organization. TATA includes approximately 186 companies (including subsidiary and holding company). But today we’re specifically approaching a part of TATA i.e. TATA Motors and vehicles.  Let’s move towards history, after independence as we know India was disaster in the technology sector and there was a huge foreign brand like Ford, Mercedes Benz, Hyundai, Honda etc. which covered the huge market in the technology sector but after 51 years the first knock of TATA car comes into the market with late success the name of that car was Tata Indica. Tata Indica is the first car which was completely designed and made by any Indian brand and after that TATA never turned to look back. The era of Indian cars started after 1997, after that Tata comes with lots of Product Tata Prima, The Tata Prima, The Range Rover Evoque, The Tata Prima heavy truck, A Tata Marcopolo bus, The Tata TL, A Tata 407 water truck, A Tata Starbus, Tata Ace was India's first mini truck, Tata Indica V2 Xeta, Tata Indigo Manza.

Jaguar Land Rover

TATA Defence Truck

It is the world's eighteenth-largest motor vehicle manufacturing company, fourth-largest truck manufacturer and second-largest bus manufacturer by volume. Tata Motors has auto manufacturing and assembly plants in Jamshedpur, Pantnagar, Lucknow, Sanand, Dharwad and Pune, India, and in Argentina, South Africa, Thailand and the United Kingdom. It has research and development centres in Pune, Jamshedpur, Lucknow and Dharwad, India, and in South Korea, Spain, and the United Kingdom. It has a bus manufacturing joint venture with Marcopolo S.A., Tata Marcopolo, and a construction equipment manufacturing joint venture with Hitachi, Telcon Construction Solutions. If we’re talking about Tata so how can we forgot the trump card of Tata treasure, yes!! That’s NANO. Nano is not only a dream of Ratan Naval Tata but it’s a dream of every class of audience. Nano revolution gave Tata a benchmark. 
  • Tata positioned their product by looking market demand and consumer taste. They designed Nano for general public who had dream to buy car in 1lakh but Ratan Tata made it possible.
  • Indica, Indigo is for middle class of family people who want comfort along with space.
  • The person who need utility vehicle Tata designed Sumo and Dicor model.
  • Last but not the least, to influence royal pubic they come up with Jaguar Land Rover
For every person that has something in their treasure, choice is ours. Tata is the most respected brand and long standing brand. Mostly Nano is handing by middle class people and after having successfully launched the low cost Tata Ace truck in 2005, Tata Motors began development of an affordable car that would appeal to the many Indians who drive motorcycles.The purchase price of this no frills auto was brought down by dispensing with most nonessential features, reducing the amount of steel used in its construction, and relying on low cost Indian labor, as well as a new design concept called Frugal Engineering.

Ratan Naval Tata with Nano

The Nano's design implements many measures that make its manufacture cheap.

  • The Nano's trunk is only accessible from inside the car, as the rear hatch does not   open.
  • One windscreen wiper instead of the usual pair (also seen earlier on certain Citroen and Mercedes models).
  • No power steering, unnecessary due to its light weight.
  • Three lug nuts on the wheels instead of the usual four (also seen on Smart).
  • Only one wing mirror.
  • Radio or CD player is optional (the idea picked on some basic car models in North America).
  • No airbags on any model.
  • 624cc rear engine has only 2 cylinders (recently implemented in new Fiat 500, with a surcharge).
  • No air conditioning in base model (as on most basic car models in Europe and North America) 

Sunday 28 April 2013

Counter On!!: Hub of Learning

Counter On!!: Hub of Learning: Every college born with some qualities and it’s really important to know about the phase of some good colleges just like St.Hopkins...

Hub of Learning

Every college born with some qualities and it’s really important to know about the phase of some good colleges just like St.Hopkins College of management, Bangalore. The good experience about this college it’s countless the reason why I am telling you because this college approaches more on practical knowledge compared to bookish.
Why Hopkins:-
  •          Familiar environment.
  •          Less theoretical more cognitive task.
  •            Focusing on practical Knowledge.
  •           Supportive admin.
  •           Monthly Company visit activity.
  •          Targeting Leadership & Management skills.
  •           Seminars knowledge.
  •           Idea sharing opportunity.
  •           Special orientation classes.  
  •         Experienced faculty.
  •         Foreign trip.
Glimpse of Pattya

Break-through –

The journey starts from breakthrough. Breakthrough is a training camp which specifies how to make strategy’s, How to execute, How to manage, How to polish your leadership skills and lots more. Breakthrough is the primary activity to judge you. Activity more approaches learn with fun. You’ll get amazing experience of different activities like Rock Climbing, Rope Climbing, Team Task etc. which will help to make your personality more advances.

Break Through 

Lectures, Orientation & Seminar class –

Whenever we heard about lectures usually our intention goes towards bulky & boring lectures but Hopkins isn't land of boring stuff, everything comes with fun. As we know throwing motivational speeches is very easy but sharing the experience is something different, it provides you more detail about your stand, that’s the thing happens in Hopkins. Orientation and Seminar classes are marvelously conducted by experts and entrepreneurs. The more you learn, the more you enhance.

Orientation Session by Yunus Ahmed & Md. Younus

Outdoor Activity –

In general sense everyone knows about the market but to analyze that market so closely that’s called real experience. The thing which strikes on everyone’s mind that is “Bookish knowledge is nothing without practical approach”. In Outdoor activity we have for sale our own made product along with customer satisfaction and outdoor activity took one more step closer to our experience, the moment we entered in the market. We got enormous feeling that how we’ll convince? How we can make the deal? What’ll be happening? But after that when I did this activity I thought about myself and I claim a symbol of victory inside me. Whatever the amount we earned the whole amount we gave it to the charity, because we believe in socialism. After that we raised our voice against WOMEN EMPOWERMENT. It wasn’t the first time these activities happened in St. Hopkins Land, we always trying to serve our best to the society and we make it happen.

There are lots of untouched and experienced moments I faced in St.Hopkins which was amazing and I can’t express. If you want to know more about college visit Hub of Learning. 

Check out :- A Glimpse of Hopkins

Director & Chairman:-

Admin & Faculty for concern:- 

Thursday 18 April 2013

The Blue World Of Facebook..

The Blue World Of Facebook..

December 9, 2012 at 1:45pm
Lets make gossip about the blue book on the World Wide Web, The want and desire of every one's and the book which liked by Most human being 'FACEBOOK'. The Creation of interaction and Possibility to yield yourself.

I really want to appreciate the tremendous blue creation and the Heart of Millions of Users, yes your correct I am talking aboutFACEBOOK Lots of knowledge, beautiful snaps of treasures, Expressing & Interaction of Zillions of users and lots more. Facebook is a best social networking site in the whole wide world, for most of the people, it’s a part of their life. Facebook creates a pretty awesome platform for their healthy users. Zukerberg did what they want to create and I guess he's successful in their creation cause now millions and zillions of users showing their presence towards this platform  of social networking site.

 What is Facebook??

Facebook is a creation of 29 years old guy. It’s one of the forms of social networking site Made by Mark Elliot Zukerberg in 04 Feb 2006.It’s a platform of interaction between country, People, Community, Religion, Personal, and Organizational. USA is no. 1 user in Facebook and India now become the 3rd user of this site, Zukerberg proved that "Intellectuality & Innovation creates all things whatever you want".

Most of the options are available in the open market for the user interface but Facebook collects the most number of users online the reason is very simple they are making a friendly and smooth user interface. Facebook has lots of users like you can express, you can share, you can grab, you can spread and lots more, you can say one platform countless uses.

Facebook - Mark Elliot Zukerberg
Facebook - Mark Elliot Zukerberg

 Negative Impact of Facebook 

Just calm your vein and tell, are you using this creation honestly, the answer is no, cause we addict about Facebook so much and wedroping out our own identity, that's one of the digestive fact, Rumor Spread activity, Criticizing post and comment, Con and fake identities spoiling Facebook continuously day by day the reason is unconditional. I am not discording I am telling you the truth. so it’s really important to tell people what are the benefits of the Facebook in today’s era and for that people must have to think hard how they can use this platform for their betterment and and Please Don't spread any unwanted post which criticize to someone by the cast, Religion or community. So use this creation with respect and honesty cause Facebook is most easy book to face and please to Zukerberg for this creation.

Stock Talk

Stock: - A unit of capital or part of capital.

The company uses the platform of the stock market to enhance the required capital, it’s only a legal gamble in India where most of the companies play the stake with their shareholders. Influence on stock market mostly depends upon BSE and NSE. Stock market mainly includes Nifty & Sensex, Commodity & Midcap market.

Nifty            -  The Average of top blue chip fifty companies.
Sensex/BSE  -  The Average of 30 top companies.
Midcap         -   Midcap is a market of Small Scale Industry.
Commodity   -   Commodity market include Gold, Silver, Crude, Minerals etc.

Why Stock market?
Company’s Point of view –When Company needs to borrow finance, then Stock market plays the primary option for safe capital, where the Company issue ShareAccording to MOA or AOA. How much amount of capital will rise depends upon the company goodwill. A company can issue shareswith three conditions either Par, either Premium or either Discount.

Par Issue means Full value of the share, suppose company has 10,000 values of share and the face value of each share is Rs. 100/share and when the company makes a call of 10,000 issues with the same amount of value it’s called Par Issue.

Premium Issue means when a share issue with more than the face value, suppose company has 10,000 values of share and the face value of each share is Rs. 100/share and when the company makes a call of 10,000 issues with the value of Rs.110 so this called Premium issue to share.

Discount Issue means when a share issue with less than the face value, suppose company has 10,000 values of share and the face value of each share is Rs. 100/share and when the company makes a call of 10,000 issues with the value 90 then it’s called Discount ofshares.

Shareholder's Point of View –
Risk with earning. The Share market is a most comfortable market for the stakeholder to gamble their money and to enhance their earning. Moreover it's not safe but even-though they like to play share market.

Procedure for Stakeholder's - 

After Opening the De-mat Account times comes for Investment, Shareholder must have to analyze first before investing and Analysis reflects from companies Article or Memorandum of association andmost importantly the Goodwill. Goodwill plays a vital role for any Shareholder attraction. In general sense company makes some calls to shareholder in installment basis or according to their need.

Applying share
Allotted Share
1st call
2nd call
Generally these calls are made by companies.

Bull Market
Bull Market

Basically Shareholder's broadly categorized into two categories: - BULL and BEAR
  • Bull belongs to the optimistic thought they buy shares in bulk and after that when the price of the shares rise according to their expectation then they'll play a stake over that share.

  • Bear belong to the pessimistic thought they also buy shares in bulk but for a whole period of time after that if the stock goes up little they'll make adjustments and sale their share immediately, they never keep a share for a long time.

Touch of Bangalore....

New born city Bangalore, Like everyone I came here with my honest dreams. Small eyes with little steps, I was completely wondering about my feelings. This city feels me safe, like a calm wave. what I suppose to write about this city its completely mess, every night I push myself for something for which that I am not made. Dream is just a faith, cause someone special said to me if you want to serve the hard slap to your enemy so stay always happy in-front of them. 

The touch of the morning is just awesome, the birds chuckles sound great, a hot sunny winter with cold frozen. Bangalore is one of those few places that never close, here dedication reflects 24 X 7. There is something special about this city may be interaction and reflection of people. The city is incomplete without IT, the synonym name reflects the appearance of IT i.e. "Silicon city", the backbone of the city. Bangalore is also well known for Garden that's why we called also "The Garden City".

We heard lots of proverb like "Time and Tide Wait For None" and "Job Is Job". now I got the word of these proverb cause value of these proverbs appears here, every job is important from sweeper to CEO. You can't underestimate anyone, its mandatory. The most important thing I have noticed here, there is no discrimination between people, Job, Opportunity cause most of the city belong to the demerit of discrimination Every cast Every religion Every Country people are staying here with respect without any grievance so if you want to see what professional city is all about so come here and visit once, Friendly talk with sweet smile always welcome you. The city like Bangalore creates a great example of best city. 
Bangalore is a city of Enterpreneur here every step is challenge of knowledge of value by presence. Here life is really very fluent and in our fast immediate life we often forgot lots of happy moments, so time out of your busy life and search that moment and capture the feel who knows next.